Spinal Decompression Therapy

Explore a non-surgical approach to alleviating chronic and severe lower back pain through Spinal Decompression which features an impressive 90% success rate and has received FDA clearance.

What Is Spinal Decompression Therapy?

Spinal Decompression Therapy is an advanced, non-invasive treatment method that effectively addresses lower back pain and associated leg discomfort. With an impressive success rate of almost 90% and FDA approval, this therapy employs computerized logarithmic traction to delicately stretch the spine, alleviating pressure on the discs and vertebrae.

By creating a “negative pressure” within the spinal discs (the cushioning between the vertebrae), Spinal Decompression encourages the absorption of nutrients, oxygen, and moisture, thereby naturally rehydrating the disc, reestablishing disc height, and promoting healing of the affected area.

Spinal Decompression is Recommended For:

  • Degenerative Discs

  • Spinal Stenosis

  • Numbness & Tingling

  • Bulging Discs

  • Low Back Pain

  • ​Herniated Disc

  • Sciatica

  • Pinched Nerves

What To Expect

You will get harnessed to our computerized decompression table, which will ever so slowly and gently stretch your spine. And then relax. This process opens up the space between spinal bones, creating a type of “respiration” of the fluid that surrounds the joint. The damaged disc receives nourishment and gets rid of cellular waste, enhancing the healing process.

What To Expect

You will get harnessed to our computerized decompression table, which will ever so slowly and gently stretch your spine. And then relax. This process opens up the space between spinal bones, creating a type of “respiration” of the fluid that surrounds the joint. The damaged disc receives nourishment and gets rid of cellular waste, enhancing the healing process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Spinal Decompression Hurt?

No, the process is completely painless and many patients relax and even fall asleep during the treatment.

How Many Session Will I Need?

Typically, we recommend 15-20 sessions for several weeks but every patient is different. You will be given our recommendations.

How Often Should I Come In For Maintenance Care?

Usually, we encourage patients to come in for monthly maintenance compression. Some patients can benefit from weekly maintenance decompression, depending on their job and their weight. Others only require as little as one session a month for maintenance decompression.

What Is The Difference Between Traction And Decompression?

Traction is static—meaning it just pulls and pulls repeatedly. The decompression has a rest phase, so it pulls for a minute and 15 seconds, and then it relaxes for 15 seconds. Then it pulls again and then relaxes again. This process repeats the entire time a patient is on the table, which is about 15-20 minutes.

$49 Spinal



For a limited time, our office is offering our Spinal Decompression Relief Package for only $49! (Normally a $200 Value)

The package includes:

  • Spinal Decompression Consultation

  • Doctor's Examination

  • First Treatment

Take advantage of this limited time offer and address your persistent pain once and for all! Click below to discover the answer you've been seeking. Using this new advanced treatment, hundreds of thousands have already found relief from back pain without resorting to drugs or surgery. Don't miss out on the opportunity to join them.

A Few of Our Success Stories

Get Back To Living A Pain-Free Life

Spinal Decompression has helped thousands of people across the country get rid of all types of back pain so they can get back to doing the things they love!

New Patient Special

a consultation, exam, and spinal decompression treatment for $49

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Phone Number: +1 725-215-8176